Community Helpers


Teacher, Teacher,
What do you do?
I teach, reading and
   writing too.

Teacher, Teacher,
What do you do?
I teach children values too.

Teacher, Teacher,
What do you do?
I even punish naughty 
 children like you!

Vegetable Cart

Vegetable seller!
come, come,come!
I want green peas
And lemon wholesome.

Tomatoes and Carrots
Cabbage and Peas
Look so yummy
Waiting to fill up my tummy.

So all you little ones
Eat these vegetables till done
to make you grow healthy
Strong and Smart.


There stands a Soldier, tall, proud and still.
Guarding and protecting, the rights of all at will,
     They help us live happy and free
In this great country, INDIA - home for you and me.
Cartoon Indian Army Clipart
Indian Army
