3D Mother's Day Card

Pink , Yellow and Green card paper, A round photo, Scissors and Glue.

1.Draw two circle of 8 centimeter on a yellow  card paper such that they join on the edge.

2.Fold the circles at the edge, so that you get a front circle and a back circle.

3.Cut about 15 strips of pink card paper,1 centimeter broad and 8 centimeters long. Paste two ends of these pink strips to make a loops.

4.Now apply glue at the center of the front circle past the loops one-by-one to make a flower.

5.Past a round cut photo at the center of the flower. Write your message on the other circle.

6.Draw and cut a flower stem from the green card paper and past it on the back of the card.

Your card is ready,
                       Gift this card to your mom wishing her a Happy Mother's Day.
