On Earth these 2 types of animals are called land animals.
1.Domestic animal 2.Wild animal
Animals play an important part in our environment.
Some Domestic Animal are Cow, Buffalos, Horse, Dog, Cat, Goat, Camel, Bull, Donkey, sheep, Hen. Domestic animals are useful to us. Cows and buffaloes give us milk. Sheep give us wool. Hens give us eggs. Donkeys, Horses and camels are carry load on carts and carriages. Oxen and bullocks plough fields. Dog guards our houses. Some domestic animal give meat.
More about Animals National Geographic Kids Almanac , like to know?
there are so many books on Animals for kids like,Little Kids First Big Book of Animals , Are Animals Funny and so on.
1.Birds have 2 legs and wings. They fly with the help of their wings. They have one beak and eat with their beaks. Some have colorful feathers. some common birds are crow, sparrow, pigen, hen, parrot, peacock(it is our National Bird), duck, cock etc.
have no legs like snake. Worms, lizard, snakes, earthworms, chameleon and crocodiles are some of the reptiles.
1.Domestic Animals also can called Farm Animal. A Farm is a place where a farmer grows crops. You can find animals like cows, buffaloes, bullock, goats, dogs, sheep, donkey and hen on the form.
Farm animals are very useful to the farmer. Cows and buffaloes give milk while bullocks help the farmer plough the field. The farmer makes butter, cheese and curd from milk. The sheep give him soft wool to help the farmer stay warm during winters. The horses draw carriages while the donkeys carry carts full of vegetables, fruits and grains. The hen give eggs. The dog guards the farm from the wild animals.Some Domestic Animal are Cow, Buffalos, Horse, Dog, Cat, Goat, Camel, Bull, Donkey, sheep, Hen. Domestic animals are useful to us. Cows and buffaloes give us milk. Sheep give us wool. Hens give us eggs. Donkeys, Horses and camels are carry load on carts and carriages. Oxen and bullocks plough fields. Dog guards our houses. Some domestic animal give meat.
2.Wild Animals -Animals living in forest are called Wild Animals. Some wild animals like Lion, Tiger and Cheetah hunt for food, other wild animals like Elephants, Giraffes and zebras eat leaves and grass. Wild animal grow and adapt to survive in natural habitat. They live in caves, on trees or in the burrows while most wild animals come across as fearful, they actually try to protect themselves from other animals and humans. Wild animals are also kept in zoo.
These are the water animals called "Aquatic Animals"
Earth is the only planet to have water. Several water bodies like oceans, seas, rivers and lakes are home to millions of water animals or fishes. They have fins, tail, scales and grills to survive the underwater habitat. Animals living in ponds, lakes and rivers are called 'Freshwater Animals', while in sea and oceans are called 'Marine Animals'. Some water animals breath through their gills while some breath through their lungs. Most water animals eat other fishes or animals underwater. But some also eat algae and seagrass. Water animals keep the water bodies clean and thus protect the environment. Some animals can live on land as well as in water, they are frog, tortoise, crocodile and crabs.
More about Animals National Geographic Kids Almanac , like to know?
there are so many books on Animals for kids like,Little Kids First Big Book of Animals , Are Animals Funny and so on.
More other animals are
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